I'm getting tired of the amount of people I see label themselves simply Agnostics because they assume it's the more logical and open minded stance on things.
The thing is, Agnosticism isn't on the same battleground as Atheism and Theism. Theism requires a belief in a deity. Atheism is a lack of belief in Gods existing due to a lack of evidence, it's not a belief that god's don't exist, it's a stance out of skepticism. Until you show Atheists the evidence, they will remain skeptical and have a lack of belief. Atheists don't claim to know that there definitely isn't a God or that they can prove it, which is why Atheism is not a closed minded choice and it's not a faith based belief.
Agnosticism is a realization of absolute truth, that we cannot know for sure, based on the information available to us, if a god exists or not.
I'm Agnostic and an Atheist. You can be an Agnostic Theist. You can have faith in a God, but at the same time realise that we can never be completely sure of a particular God's existence or a God's attributes.
People who simply label themselves Agnostic are actually mostly Atheists who just don't want to make the step in claiming that they have a lack of belief in God's, because they think it's as close minded as Theism. They don't want to call themselves Atheists because they don't think it's right to reject the idea of a God outright. But Atheism isn't a certain belief that a God does not exist, it's just a lack of belief based on a lack of evidence.
Do you reject the idea of Goblins? Or are you going to claim that the information is not available to you to make the decision on whether or not to reject their existence?
You don't have to belief for certain that a God does not exist to be Atheist, you just have to be skeptical, and see that there's not enough evidence so we can dismiss the idea until evidence is presented to us, just like we do with Unicorns, Dragons and Gandalf.