I've been accused a number of times of having an online persona (which I assume means they think I'm fake) and I'm not sure why. The funny thing is, I'm actually more fake off the net than I am on - pretending to care in situations where I really don't give a shit etc.
While I'm sure there are many people who do lie about who they are online, the internet is also a place where we can be who we truly are. It's liberating to be able to drop the mask and say what you really think, feel and believe. There are a lot of things I talk about online that I can't talk about off the net. Do my views, thoughts and beliefs instantly change the moment I go offline? Of course not. So, why assume that this is simply a persona?
My questions to you all are...
Are you much different off the net than you are online? If yes, what are the differences and why are you different when online or off?
Have you ever been told you have a fake persona? If yes, why?