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Posts: 7645

I've been accused a number of times of having an online persona (which I assume means they think I'm fake) and I'm not sure why. The funny thing is, I'm actually more fake off the net than I am on - pretending to care in situations where I really don't give a shit etc.

While I'm sure there are many people who do lie about who they are online, the internet is also a place where we can be who we truly are. It's liberating to be able to drop the mask and say what you really think, feel and believe. There are a lot of things I talk about online that I can't talk about off the net. Do my views, thoughts and beliefs instantly change the moment I go offline? Of course not. So, why assume that this is simply a persona?

My questions to you all are...

Are you much different off the net than you are online? If yes, what are the differences and why are you different when online or off?

Have you ever been told you have a fake persona? If yes, why?

Posts: 99
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I've been accused of that. I'm faker in person. I'm polite, act empathetic, caring and emotional, and people constantly fall in love with my smiles. Who cares what others think really?


Posts: 7645
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I've found that when people think you're fake, they tend to assume you're full of shit and then nothing you say gets taken seriously. That annoys me because it affects my interaction with others.

If nobody takes you seriously then nobody will respond seriously, which ruins any chance of a decent conversation.

Posts: 588
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"persona" -  a poor word choice on my part.  I think people are multi-faceted and there are many sides to everyone. What I meant was, the first thing I noticed about you when I showed up here, was a very overt sexuality - thus the first character, but in the last week it's been your sharp sense of humour I've noticed - thus the second character.


I didn't think much about it. I'm going to try to think of one character that embodies both later this evening.  



Posts: 2829
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I've mentioned this before. Here I'm more indifferent and curious and try to not be too familiar with people. There's only a few I've been totally honest with from this forum. Clueless probably knows the most about me or my personality overall. 

In person I'm much more emotional. I'm actually crying while I type this. Not being sarcastic, I just logged on here for a distraction. It's exhausting to be this emotional but for a couple of years I felt absolutely nothing. I'd rather be emotional than the alternative but something in the middle would be fantastic. 


Posts: 102
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Once ppl get an impression, it can be hard to let go.

I'm just like a friendy overly trusting puppy dog in real life towards ppl.

Towards serious solutions to political or religious conflicts I will defend solutions and negotiate to form a consensus with each person by accommodating their systems. So this process can confuse ppl if they see me talking to one person like mother mary while arguing back constitutionally with a closeminded bully like jefferson or talking back at a bible pushing fundamentalist using their own bible.

My mean satire but good natured sense of humor can either catch ppl off guard, or come across even funnier given my real personality that seeks to love and include all ppl. The same with the "naughty girl" side that shows in some of my comedy and erotic writing. It makes it funnier in contrast. The real me is like a kid getting into the costume closet and having a field day. its more fun when ppl get the jokes or the serious points being shared, and not fun when ppl miss the point and suspect me of things i dont mean or intend at all. If i do have these other sides or voices there are a time and place for those, not anything to hide or manipulate. The point is to connect and to communicate with ppl in ways unique to them, not playmind games. If I experiment it is to learn new ways of sharing, what works and what fails. Blah blah blah that part is me thinking too much.....

Posts: 99
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by Thrill Kill

I've found that when people think you're fake, they tend to assume you're full of shit and then nothing you say gets taken seriously. That annoys me because it affects my interaction with others.

If nobody takes you seriously then nobody will respond seriously, which ruins any chance of a decent conversation.

 In most forums and in real life, I find I'm taken seriously, and found to be genuine to most people. Only paranoid people tend not to trust me for very long. Guess because they're always looking, they find something to not trust me about.

On other forums, not as much so. Though its usually for more varying reasons.


I find myself around more gullible people though, that could add to it.

Posts: 1842
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I'm much less serious when I hang out with people IRL. I don't monitor my behavior much.

Posts: 846
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Are you much different off the net than you are online? If yes, what are the differences and why are you different when online or off?

I'm not sure. It depends on how you see me here.

Posts: 471
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i have been told i have a fake persona because back when when i was really active here i had like dozen of them

and i didnt care then i dont care now and the reason i dont have any more persona now is because im a bit bored with the sociopathic blog it dosnt feel worth all the effort


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