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ask dr mike

the second essay of the day concerns diet

it is a theory of mine that the closer the food u eat is ur genus the more unhealthy it is

for example eating red meat is generally considered unhealthy- pork is more unhealthy than beef since pigs are very close to humans genetically

even more unhealthy wuld be a diet consisting of primates such as chimpanzees or human flesh thats why its usually frowned upon- u dont want to gamble with ur health

chicken is healthier and fish even more so

reptiles & frogs r good too even tho harder to find in a regular restaurant they give u a lot of good fat that is good for ur heart

i cant even begin to stress how good eating bugs wuld be

veggies r good too as is generally recognized but humans r not made for veggie food only humans are omni vorous like pigs in this regard- vegans dont get every thing they need so will be unhealthier in the long run

also sitting is considered unhealthy according to the new studies if u sit more than 4 hours a day and eat red meat like pork u face the risk of several life threatening diseases such as depression alzheimers diabetes type 2 cardio vascular diseases and brain fart

if u work in an office consider trying to get a pension based on mental problems or quit ur job switch to some thing healthier like security guard or waitress- a job where u spend a lot of time on ur feet

the benefit for this is u will be healthier when u die u cant put a price on that

dont gamble with ur health u will miss it when its gone


Posts: 1081
ask dr mike

I thought the problem was the level of "sentience" in what was being eaten.

The enzymes released into the body when a "sentient" animal is killed were shown to be unhealthy for humans to consume. So that is the scientific equivalent of teaching that killing creates "bad karma" absorbed by the person.

Posts: 10218
ask dr mike

"The enzymes released into the body when a "sentient" animal is killed were shown to be unhealthy for humans to consume."

Clearly the solution then is to eat the animal while it's still alive.

"So that is the scientific equivalent of teaching that killing creates "bad karma" absorbed by the person."

I... how?

Posts: 821
ask dr mike

The "enzymes". They are like Jedi midi-chlorians.

Posts: 1259
ask dr mike

Oh! I want those.

Posts: 1081
ask dr mike

1. "the solution" according to Buddhists is to pray for the animal to receive a better life, in recognizing the sacrifice, or according to the Christians is to pray and receive in "thanksgiving" that these gifts are given freely by God

2. what I meant is "if you are going to explain the same idea of bad karma from killing animals for meat" in terms of scientific cause and effect, this negative effect on health "manifests" in terms of enzymes that contribute to disease.

you can also explain the concept of "right livelihood" for the health of society and the planet "in terms of" NOT patronizing companies that inject hormones and antibiotics into animals or treat them cruelly to maximize profit.


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