No (Doubt i'd have a good enough reason to want too) Desire to shatter one's faith in a religion?
No, what others believe is of no concern to me. Desire to meet me in person?
It would be greatly amusing, but as i'm unsure of what i'd stand to gain, no. But I still have a strong urge to say yes. Desire to meet damaged in person >:)?
Hmmm, I'm going to say yes. I'm sure I could find ways to damage him even more. Desire to become a drug lord?
no desire to find intelligence and laugh at these cliches?
Yes (I'm intelligent enough though, but I could do with more humor) Desire to hunt tigers?
Yes Desire to fuck a human centipede? If you haven't seen the movie fuck this question
Yes Desire to create a human centipede?
Yes Desire to create life?
Bitch, you just went full retard. :facepalm: