Will you mind if i Email you? id like to talk to you without the rest of the forum.
handshake from a friend.
unknown, even if you some how talk some sense into me, it still leaves me with a forum full of people who are looking at every turn to knock the founder of this site down.
it's becsaue i gave them too much power. i allowed them to go without an admin, and treat me like dirt for the past 5 months without banning a single 1. the worst i did was a name change, and even then i changed it back.
i know not everyone feels this way, but unforunately the people who DO feel this way have bigger mouths than the people who dont.
today i have seen several members making attempts at harming my reputation here. the problem is that there is nothing i can do about them becsaue if i ban them or do anything... i prove them right... they said it all along, they told everyone, and i'm this horrible person.
there is literally nothing i can do besdies take it..... or i can stand up to them. but to stand up to them means making changes around here, and that menas some people will end up getting upset and leaving and honestly... if that's what it takes... okay.
i have yet to turn this place into the vision i see, but we are close as we finish our latest project. i have yet to advertise this website, or even update it to a condition where it can be found on google. traffic will improve drasticly soon enough.
basic'y what im saying is that... i'm not planning on destroying the forum. i'm just making changes to the way it's run. i'm going to clean some things up.