by dexter
by TheSocio
congratulations you mirroed me
which can suggest either autism or some low level sociopathy but do you seriously think a donkey dance monkey can possibly hamburger the unicorn frizbee selling guy at the circus? yea i bet you can't break it down like a monkey when the hillbily is brown either so i actually bought you a new set of sandwich makers it was shipped to you by freight the other day so you have to go pick it up or else you miss out on the ring a ding ding song
You kidding? I got a ham and turkey right now, tyvm
by Richard Parkerya we met them already - they fucking rock and are hardcore.YOU should be proud. You're lucky to have that support. Take it seriously it will be gone before you know it. These are the moments - hen ever you find self acceptanc you find a gem. Hold it.
I just had an aneurysm from your sheer stupidity.
by TheSocioIf you got a hard on by the title, your welcome for the pleasant imagery.
Both my grandparents on my mother's side are sick and dying. My grandpa's heart is going and he's too weak and old to have another operation, and my grandma has cancer and only has about 4 months to live. Well, they have a sizable bank account due to sheer luck on a god damn cruise and...i don't know savings or some old people bullshit. Now my grandma is spending a whole shit load on chemotherapy, seeing numerous specialists, and the absolute worst DONATING MONEY TO THE FUCKING CHURCH.
Her spending money on doctors and hospitals is only going to buy them 3-6 months tops. What a waste, but THE CHURCH...oh hell no. HELLLLLL no. I could do more miracles than christ with some of the money they have, but these old dumb bastards are too stupid to even contribute to their own legacy. It's pathetic. Groveling and searching for more time. Donating to some church in the hopes of what...their god will grant them more time, or gain a favor from him, or maybe their just scared shitless (as i'm inclined to believe) and they just want to feel better about themselves. Grasping for straws as they see the darkness approaching. It's nauseating to the core.
Their money is my money, or at least it will be. So they need to stop FUCKING SPENDING IT ALL before all we end up with is a hospital bill and a jar of ash, which i'm sure will smell better than they do. I swear if i didn't want to get dust on my boots i'd drop kick em into their pool and bet on who lasts longer. Winner get's an open casket.
Remind me to care. This is not therapy, we dont care for your problems.
by Richard Parkerya we met them already - they fucking rock and are hardcore.YOU should be proud. You're lucky to have that support. Take it seriously it will be gone before you know it. These are the moments - hen ever you find self acceptanc you find a gem. Hold it.
by TheSocio
by Richard Parkerya we met them already - they fucking rock and are hardcore.YOU should be proud. You're lucky to have that support. Take it seriously it will be gone before you know it. These are the moments - hen ever you find self acceptanc you find a gem. Hold it.
I just had an aneurism from your sheer stupidity.
HERP A DERP the hypocrites have came out of the closet/cupboard