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Thrill Kill

Posts: 397

For some reason the thought of an "evil psychopath" that is a woman does not frighten me one bit.

Posts: 1081
Thrill Kill


 Hi Caleb. Too bad you weren't there to tell Travis Alexander to watch out for Jodi Arias.

Maybe you would have protected him.

Posts: 397
Thrill Kill

 That seemingly anti-feminist remark was meant to piss off Thrill and nothing else. I do not agree with it, it was simply an attempt to make Thrill insecure and angry. The master plan is revealed :0

Posts: 1081
Thrill Kill

 I don't think she cares because it does not affect her directly?

Posts: 31
Thrill Kill

Oh she cares...3, 2, 1 

Posts: 7645
Thrill Kill


by Caleb

 That seemingly anti-feminist remark was meant to piss off Thrill and nothing else. I do not agree with it, it was simply an attempt to make Thrill insecure and angry.

 Failure must suck.

Posts: 125
Thrill Kill

 Frightens me more than psychopathic men. Women could easier get access to my valuables, if you know what I mean.

Posts: 821
Thrill Kill

 They are sneaky that way.

I think certain females are used to being seen in a stereotypical way and use their implied innocent demeanor in a calculating way.

8 posts
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