Dear Aidan and IOIA: Regarding this trend to use/abuse people/relations like disposable resources, I had 3-4 points that I wanted to share with you. Do you relate to any of these? Since you are both objectively honest and intelligent, I value your feedback on these points. I will list them here, then break them up into 4 separate msgs for any replies.
A. drawing strength from preserving not destroying relationships with parents
B. legally or logistically keeping good relations to back you up when things go wrong
C. love interests in the future, keeping your baggage count low and attracting the right people
who meet your needs
D. overall resources expended or wasted if we create more problems than we solve
I will start with A here, then post separate msgs for the others to organize this better.
A. parental relations
As humans we draw our spiritual strength, health and longevity from our connections with our parents/ancestry.
The strongest family lines fare better than generations with broken family lines.
Compare property owning families or government/business patriarchs with the genocide committed against Native Americans or Africans by wiping out their family connections and knowledge of their heritage and names/heritage.
So if you want to succeed in life and get what you want
it is better for your conscience, your mental emotional and physical strength and continuity
to have solid stable relations that honor the parents and elders, especially to resolve past conflicts
so that you draw from the best strengths while conquering the worst weaknesses
So my advice to you is to check to make sure you do not shoot yourself in the foot
by doing things that diminish or cut off these bonds. You can achieve a lot more, even doing what you already
want to do, by preserving these ties and drawing on that strength working with you, not against each other.
This is one way to maximize your strength, and to overcome issues where others don't use that against you first
Do you agree this is practical wisdom that works for all people, regardless of our path in life?