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4 posts


Posts: 417



I'd like to thank you for keeping the site up. I know you aren't appreciated very much for what you do around here but try to understand that the audience is very hard to please. Not to mention that once the group opinion on this forum has been established people will not change their mind very easily. I don't think half the people really dislike you or what you and your brother have, done they're simply following a few leading people's opinion.

Having said that I appreciate you keeping this site up.




Ps. I give you peeps permission to insult me now.

Posts: 628

throws mud pie at Leggas face

Posts: 136

I like it here and Luna made this forum (is this right? I'm not here for a long time yet) so thanks to her.

Somebody has to manage the work on this site.

Posts: 188

I agree, I appreciate what they have done, but i have one piece of advice, which is: try to fix the things that are broken (for example chat) before you change what already works. This isn't a criticism, i'm just suggesting

4 posts
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