I'm thought of as an empathetic person to others, being able to "feel" their pain. In reality, I'm just very good at reading people and knowing what they're feeling.
Because of this, I often automatically become very "empathetic" when something requesting this emotion has happened. Do I feel empathetic though? Ehh, maybe. Although I think I'm just telling myself to feel empathetic, but not because I'm actually empathetic. Because in the eyes of others, people who are empathetic are "good people". "good people" are given all the support in the world by everyone else.
Just like a donating example I came across recently. What's the point in donating? There isn't one. The only real reason would be if you had "accidentally" left a letter to the African kid you're supporting out on the table and a girl had found it.
In fact, I remember when I was somewhere between 7-12 (I can never connect events to my age, unless it's from 15ish+) I had read an article about a boy who donated all his birthday money to some charity. I then asked all my friends to give me dog toys and dog food for my birthday. I donated it all, but not because I wanted to help the humane society, but because I wanted to be in a magazine and have everyone look up to me.