...has anybody seen them?
Ask Daddy. He was posing - I mean - posting signs looking for kittens, too!
In the meantime, since this thread is dead
If anyone has photos of kittens or cats, I have a website I need to fill with images of calendar cats.
This was supposed to be a spoof site, "squatting" on a domain name that sounded like a real adult site.
So when people searched for porn, they'd find a fake calendar of cats posing for charity,
trying to raise money to stop human rights abuses and trafficking. Instead of spokespeople lobbying for
animal rights, this was supposed to be spokes pets defending humans. Like a spoof on PETA.
Since I never worked on the site since 1999, it's been dead and so is this thread.
If anyone wants to post their favorite sexy photos of cats, go ahead!
This thread is officially declared dead. Unless you want to bring it back as something worse....