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It's that magical fucking time of year again...sort of.

Posts: 1063

 â€œYeah, I love being famous. It's almost like being white, y'know?” 

― Chris Rock

As much as I hate Chris Rock’s comedic sense he has a valid point. As I was walking around the clearance section for Halloween candy in Target I noticed just around the corner they had already set up the Christmas section, trees, lights, music, and even had some space for that made-up holiday, Hanukah.

Anyways as I collected my prize candy from the lot I strolled around the Christmas section to look at all the silly things they had this year…and as most of it was generic bulbs, lights etc,. Something had caught my attention, it was the sound of music…more importantly it was a specific song that was playing. The song that was playing was Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and while I had heard this song for years something about it bothered me this time, it was the part about Rudolph getting teased by the other reindeer for his red nose. So I thought about it and collected the food I needed and went home to look-up the lyrics to this hateful song and I was not disappointed.

From what I can tell this song (and the 60’s movie) reflects a number of negative influences that if were created this year would have never seen the light of day. Some of the negative influences like:

Prejudice: The other reindeer hating Rudolph for the color of his nose

Discrimination: The other reindeer not letting Rudolph play with them on “reindeer games”, hell even the father in the movie didn’t want Rudolph embarrassing him by going out with his red nose.

Opportunism: When Santa’s dumbass couldn’t see because of the blizzard he needed someone “with a nose so bright” so he finally let Rudolph in the club (used him).

Shallowness: When he was finally accepted by Santa (alpha apparently) the other reindeer loved Rudolph and were “cheering with glee”

This song teaches kids that it’s not okay to be different BUT if someone really cool finally accepts you then everything will be okay. Ugh.



TL;DR – Fuck you, read it.

Posts: 7645
It's that magical fucking time of year again...sort of.

Try analyzing this christmas song. It's much better than that rudolf bullshit.

Posts: 1404
It's that magical fucking time of year again...sort of.

I don't think race plays a factor.  Rudolph was the same as the others except for his bright red nose.  It was a mere blemish that turned out to be useful.  I think the story teaches those with such blemishes that they too can be useful if they find a purpose. 

Posts: 125
It's that magical fucking time of year again...sort of.


Posts: 1081
It's that magical fucking time of year again...sort of.

1. How about that Rudolph was designed for a Montgomery Ward catalog for Christmas marketing.

Enough said.

2. BTW I cited the origin of Rudolph the "intro" of a poem I wrote for a Halloween contest.

I took the story of Stingy Jack that started Jack O'Lanterns and tried set it to poetry.

The poem sucked but the Irish folktale of Stingy Jack was cool to read up on.

Basically the guy tricked the Devil into paying for his drinks and also sparing his soul.

But because Jack lied and drank so much, he could neither get into heaven or hell when he died.

Even the Devil didn't want him. How fucking cool is THAT?

So the story goes that his soul wanders aimlessly as a lost spirit, with only a lit coal to find its way...

I just thought that was badass that someone pissed the Devil off so much, he got his revenge

by "keeping his promise" not to take the guy's soul to hell when he died. So he got stuck with a worse fate.

Maybe I could rewrite that story as a song, and set it to the same tune as Rudolph the Montgomery Ward reindeer.


Posts: 1063
It's that magical fucking time of year again...sort of.

I was thinking more on the discrimination part, and the song was created late 40's early 50's when discrimination was "ok". I don't think it was targeted towards children at all, that era didn't care how songs affected children...especially one about Christmas.

Posts: 1063
It's that magical fucking time of year again...sort of.

 Why butcher an interesting story like that with tunes from Rudolph? Not even tricking the devil is as bad as how the song depicted Rudolph's shitty childhood. 

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