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a better sociopath forum is here

Posts: 616


Posts: 1081
a better sociopath forum is here

has some good groups and great members

I referred so many friends there, I had to delete my account to respect their privacy and process



Posts: 7645
a better sociopath forum is here

You should be encouraging potential new members to join this forum, not encouraging them to join other forums.

At least this forum isn't moderated. No chance of getting banned here for breaking the rules.

Posts: 1953
a better sociopath forum is here

How many times are you going to post a link to that music video?

Posts: 2876
a better sociopath forum is here

 thanks for being on my team thrill!! 

Posts: 1081
a better sociopath forum is here

I find people end up at the forum where they need to interact with certain ppl "at certain times"

Nothing bad about keeping a list of any resources so people can use a combination of them.

They will always appreciate and remember the "central resource" that the others were linked to.

People often rotate around as needed. There are advantages to being the central hub.

Posts: 616
a better sociopath forum is here


Posts: 616
a better sociopath forum is here


Posts: 2829
a better sociopath forum is here

 Let me guess. It was a youtube video. 

Posts: 616
a better sociopath forum is here


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