Once i quit using and selling, i stopped talking to my friends. The one friend i kept in touch with died. So now I'm at a comfortable state of being alone, it is a nice change from tweekers and gangsters
trust, loyalty, and honesty (basically someone that's reliable but easy to manipulate) someone that has some form of value or worth, in other words they have something i can gain from whether it be their knowledge, status, wealth, entertainment, protection etc.
It takes a lot for someone to be my true friend. I have learned not to be too idealistic about friends though, friends will always let you down. For me, a friend has to offer something, they need to be smart, creative and simply not a nobody. The base of my friendships is reciprocity. If you help each other out, both wins at the end. Also I'm overprotective of my friends.
I hang out with friends who are not on that level as well. But sometimes they simply bore me. I do not bond with those people at all. There are simply not many people who can live up to my expectations.
I have been told to my surprise I am a very good friend. I think people simply do not know what real friendship is. I don't desert friends like other people do, most people do not know what loyal means.