Do you enjoy being seduced intellectually or physically?
Which do you prefer in terms of seducing other people?
in·tel·lec·tu·al (ntl-kch-l)adj.1. a. Of or relating to the intellect.b. Rational rather than emotional.2. Appealing to or engaging the intellect: an intellectual book; an intellectual problem.3. a. Having or showing intellect, especially to a high degree. See Synonyms at intelligent.b. Given to activities or pursuits that require exercise of the intellect.
So uhh.. yeah. Sexual stimulation is only physiological. It involves brain processes, but that does not make it intellectual nor does it make it psychological exactly. So you know, I would have to say I only get sexually stimulated physiologically.
Thanks, Caleb. Is it more clear to say Mentally (I happen to like the Intellectual level in people, maybe because I get to know the "spirit" of how people are by how they talk about their perceptions and conflicts, and their physical actions follow from that "spirit." I find the higher intellectual/intelligence levels to be attractive. Maybe to you, this means or does nothing.).
Also, from what I understand, men are more aroused visually, while women are supposedly more aroused psychologically? That was the explanation I was given as to why men's porn is sold as magazines and videos/films, while women's "porn" is sold as romance and erotic novels. I don't think that format appeals to men like it does women.
I remember reading about studies done that showed men's eyes dilated most at the sight of women's bodies, while women's eyes dilated at the sight of babies. Who knows what the results would be today, now that everyone is visually stimulated constantly by our multimedia culture.
Is this generally true for you, are you more stimulated visually through images than mentally through words?