Dear G: some times my mind takes a break, sometimes a full shutdown of all busy functions to clean house. I compare it to when my best friend would have days off work while the plant was shut down for clean up. the mind needs it too. some states of depression are the mind doing this; some mediation is for that.
I would use that time to clean house while you are in detached mode. And can throw things out that you are normally too busy or emotionally engaged to get the read work done. Believe me the time will fly.
As soon as you get busy using that detached phase and taking advantage of it, then things start to pick up again where you get pulled into this that or the other.
I tell ppl similar when they are in between partners, to make the most of your alone time while it lasts. you will miss it. just when you start to enjoy your independence and getting stuff done, boom, people come into your life and start hijacking your time. it's like reverse psychology or murphy's law. the minute you find a good use for that stage you're in, you shift into the next one. use it! while you can