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Posts: 125
Tattoos and Socios

 I don't think you understand... there will always be room on TK..

Posts: 5426
Tattoos and Socios

 Haha ana. She could even write all her pets names there.

Posts: 125
Tattoos and Socios

 wait wait wait! better idea!  TK start a victim list!!


Just have some sort of symbol/word or something that relates to that victim or where it took place or whatever...

Shoot for thirty! :D

Posts: 56
Tattoos and Socios

Hi Thrill Kill I suggest "Born To Thrill". regard parker

Posts: 7645
Tattoos and Socios

 I like that. That would look even better than Born To Kill actually.

Posts: 47
Tattoos and Socios

 Eight of them. Skulls, a wolf, a dragon and some writing.

All were done 'just for the hell of it'.

Posts: 3722
Tattoos and Socios

 how about 'Born to be used as a means for a lousy $700 a month'?

Posts: 7645
Tattoos and Socios

Thanks for sending me a naked pic of yourself, sugartits. I'm sure you won't mind that I posted it here.

When I see something funny, I just can't resist sharing it.

That tattoo you told me you wanted under your left breast (Born To Be A Bitch) will suit you well.

Posts: 3722
Tattoos and Socios

perhaps if i knew i was truly repulsive i would have refrained from sharing anything :(


Posts: 44
Tattoos and Socios

 i have 9.

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