Okay... So I'm bored as fuck right now because the weather is bad and I don't have enough energy to read, work on my manuscript, or stay focussed on a movie.
So I thought this would be an interesting enough pole to see the difference between the disordered females and the disordered males, of SW. Try to drop enough of your guard and need to be seen in a certain role, enough to answer these honestly.
How old were you when you started having sexual desires?
Did you do the virginal- having a boyfriend/girlfriend- without the sex thing at first?
How old were you when you first had sex?
How many sex partners have you had?
How many "committed" relationships?
Do you look down on the opposite sex, or did you at one time in your life?
Ever been in love?
Had your heart broken?
Do you come from an abusive family?
Do you stay involved with your family?
Do you love your parents?
Believe you have turned out just like one of your parents?
Have siblings?
Love your siblings?
Have kids?
Want to have kids?
School Years
Did you play sports in school?
Were you part of any clubs?
Good grades?
Book worm?
Favorite subjecs?
Agression and Playtime
Have you been in physical fights?
Played psychological games to get you high?
Spread rumors to hurt someone who considered you their friend?
Did you verbally bully anyone?
Get bullied?
Blackmail anyone?
Abuse a partner?
Abuse children as an adult?
Withhold as a means of punishment?
Betray someone in malice?
Use someone for money?
Steal from people close to you?
Threaten someone's life.
Spend time in jail or prison for a felony?
Woa... that's alot!