With pleasure. :)
Gotta go now.
"Only beauty can deliver your tender psyche from the suffering that the Moloch provides."
What, this guy?
LOL, that's why you're one of my favourites.
In semitic languages moloch stems from the root word meaning the king.
One of my favoured proverbs from judaism states:
A wise man always walks before a king.
To be more precise as to the proverbial meaning of the phrase I will only state, that the child is capable of outgrowing its parents desires and fears.
As to the direct meaning of the phrase I will only state:
it's not what makes you, it's what you make of yourself.
It is always my pleasure to tickle your amygdalae.
Don't you dare wail on the doorstep of victory, that is awaiting to greet you at the next turn.
Victory must be deserved.
Tears will only make it less palpable, when it is not reached.
And I dearly hope you're not gambling real money.
Those filth covered imaginary pieces of paper are a blight and a tool of enslavement.
As to why the lizard has that name?
At first glance it doesn't look like something to fuck with, but simultaniously it doesn't seem to have anything sacrificing things to it (unless choosing to eat that is seen as self-sacrifice, that thing looks sharp), instead it seems to sacrifice a fake head of it's own to ensure it's own survival.
I suppose it's the king of it's own species, being the sole one of it.