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 Try googling the picture and become enlightened beryl.

He was famous man, and had heart of a lion.

Even disfigured and wounded, he still had balls bigger than your oversized head.

Posts: 3110
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 I did a search on spatial and now have one eye rolling permanently and a "verbosity" migraine ;-)

Posts: 2337
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 HaHa! Silkthread puppet says:

by Silkthread

Piss fantasies are a bedwetter's best friend.


Posts: 2216
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 I addressed Eddy as Vard, nine times.

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 'boing' made me lol

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by Lycan

Though I havent met the lemur...yet....Im sure that stapling the webbing on its paws to a board, then slowly pushing large darning needles up under the claws would be a start. That could perhaps be followed by the tried and true method of witch torture which involves dripping a cloth down the throat embedded with shards of glass and metal til it reaches the intestines...then yanking it out whilst singing loudly " Home on the range" would induce some profound spasms and shreiking until the blood fills the throat and larynx. An ingestion of battery acid would then be administered to internally "cauterise" the bleeding points, wherein one could if one chose to ......begin to administer small doses of strychnine to induce violent muscle spasms , but not too much or it would kill too quickly, and we dont want that. A soldering iron applied to the anus would reintroduce the shrieking and screaming again, with the added benefit of a pleasant sizzling noise and smell, though Im told that some find this a little nauseating.

 shivers ;)

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 Which part?

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 Good job luna!

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Posts: 10218
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Being at the top of the page is perfect too. Love how you don't have to enter a search page to seek things either, it can be done on the same page as your "Hey waaaait..." moment.

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