Lol! You think all this is made up? Do YOU know something that we don't?
Occam's razor.
What's your theory then?
Hmmm... But it makes more sense to think no one is crazy enough to make all this up... Especially Eddie, do you see him inventing complicated stuff like this? :)
Why did you ignore my question? That is pretty rude...
Sorry. You're nosy though. :) I don't see a reason for me to make them public. What's in it for me?
To prove they exist. Which they don't.
Me, nosy? Never! I just asked if they were as interesting as I imagine them to be... And did Eddie warm up to you in private? :)
I have not actually emailed him yet, I've been busy. But I'm gonna' do that now. @Sensy - Oh, the emails do exist. :b
is this not really obvious to you?