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Posts: 244
Spot the Sociopath

I realise that there is no quantifiable way of actually proving it but I'm only new-ish. I joined about a couple of months ago, posted a for a day or two, then lost interest.

Susan's presumptions of 'understanding' compelled me to respond, but kicking Thrill Kill around like a chubby little Shi Tzu was a treat also.

Posts: 7645
Spot the Sociopath


by Justice

kicking Thrill Kill around like a chubby little Shi Tzu was a treat also.

 lol. You live in fantasy land if you think that's been happening. The way I remember it, I gave you a pretty good ass-kicking. It must've really hurt your pride to be beaten down by a woman.

Posts: 244
Spot the Sociopath

Since you show such proficiency at providing quotations, could you be so kind as to provide evidence of said 'beating'?

Posts: 1231
Spot the Sociopath

Actually it's a trick question, because they're all sociopaths.

Posts: 2337
Spot the Sociopath

 Actually it's a trick question, because none of them are sociopaths. But all of them are gay republicans. :p

Posts: 1231
Spot the Sociopath

I like what you can do with your tongue (proverbially of course, since I know you have done it with your finger tips)

Posts: 2337
Spot the Sociopath

 It might very well be my tongue, V of V. What if I don't have fingers? My big toe would have trouble punching one key at a time.

Posts: 1231
Spot the Sociopath




You should only save your big toe for the large keys, like:

SHIFT nad ENTER SPACE, BACKSPACE and repeat as required.

Watch out for the CAPS LOCK on the left side though.

This one requires a surgical remedy when hit repeatedly.

Posts: 1404
Spot the Sociopath


Posts: 5426
Spot the Sociopath

 Why do people keep guessing at this, when the answer has already been given pages ago, and even the winner pronounced? ( :D )

Don't overthink this, it's pretty pointless, the answers are pulled out of thin air anyway.

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