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Posts: 694

 Jeremiah 19:9

Posts: 504

 What choo talkin' 'bout, Willis?

Posts: 1231


Can I make it crispy plaese?

Pretty please?

I shall straighten my act out afterwards.


My friends, be they enemies shall unsiege me.

Posts: 1231

 Pedicabo ego vos et irrvmabo, Iesvs Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm.

Posts: 30

 Sounds delicious.

Posts: 11


I have read all of your posts! All of you live lives of sin! Repent to Jesus and he can save you! John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whosoever believeth in him, shall not perish; but have eternal life!

All of you are doomed without the savior!


Posts: 694

Ask the colonel.

Posts: 504

 Oh yeah, shhhhh, NSA...

Posts: 1231


He might get offended about the different strokes.

Self rape is sill rape somehow.

Posts: 3110

  Nomeni padme spiritu sanctum.

Thankyou so much for taking time from your busy daily schedule , to deliver us that magnificent speech.

I for one , am now so much the wiser, and peaceful for having read it. 


I also once knew someone named Jesus, but he was from mexico and muled brown sugar across the border. 

His heart was in the right place though , (until he got shot anyway).

Jesus had a brother , not unlike you.

He was also devout, and his name was Jose` .

His brother , I didnt care for much. He was rather loud and obnoxious, his name Hose: B.

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