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It is a bodily function and yes it smells that's  the last clue

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 When you use the word never it's kinda misleading. It's like homosexuals, you'd say a man would never want another man inside him, yet gays look forward to it. Just to state my point.


U mentioned it's a bodily function, you sure it's NEVER wanted and that you can NEVER help it 'appear'?


By saying it might attack you at some point, is it a medicaly relevant thingy?

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Ok maybe a weirdo would like it,  other than that yes you are correct so far. Any guesses?

Posts: 609
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 Apparently you suck at making riddles sir.

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It's known right away and smells, so it's most likely on skin. It's lurking/sticking around until it shows up.. I'd say something medical like disease/poison/cancer that just shows up at some point whatever I'm not a doctor just shooting randomly here.

'When I do appear at times' however doesn't seem like a one-time medical condition.


Help me out here:

Mat some point in life I will attack you.

Is it a 100% sure it will attack me aswell?

When I do appear at times my presence is know right away however at times you don't have any idea I could be lurking just sticking around.

Clarify these 2. Does it mean I sometimes know of you and sometimes don't, depending on your behaviour towards my body? Does it mean I have no idea that you are lurking to appear, or does it mean I have no idea you are there at all (just sticking with me without me knowing)?



When you make riddles, be sure to carefuly state all the facts, literals like me get confused :C

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It's simply a shart. way to over complicate it. Wasn't that serious. 


Geez new forum people.  The next one is dingle berry. 

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 This really sucked Blades. It was complete shit. Don't do this again please.

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 Here is my riddle.

It waits for you always, but when you meet it you won't remember it.

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