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by Cain

facepalm facepunch?

 This made me laugh for some reason.

Posts: 2337

 Another Monica thing: "Every woman attacking me must be jealous. Every man attacking me must secretly be in love!" Narc 101

by Luna Prey

 i've also learned to not take anything silkthread says seriouslny anymore 

why do girls always attack other girls? i think it's becsaue they feel threatened 


Posts: 5426


Posts: 3722

 actually i've always got into it with men more often than women.

the way you responded to all the issues on the forum has irked me. pointing the finger, denying anything is wrong even though it's clear you don't have a clue, anything to absolve yourself of any responsibility. this is a terrible work ethic to undertake and your response to any criticism is to convince yourself everyone is trolling you, when really they're trying to give you constructive advice.

then, when you started attacking pretty lashes (TC) amongst others unnecessarily, i saw something really nasty in you. i think it needs to be pushed down, and never rise again. i think you are trying your hand at being a sociopath (well, perhaps she wanted the number so thats why she did it? ) and it does not fit.

Posts: 2876

 hey , i think my ex BF has something to say about that......



Posts: 3722

you mean the one that called you an ungrateful bitch?

Posts: 2876


Posts: 3722

you are blowing me away with your professionalism..that's just my oppinion of course~

Posts: 2876

 want to know my oppinion on that?

Posts: 2829

 Yall are ruining this thread. I'm making a new one for this shit.

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