Yep, I go to the places that most are too scared to climb, drag my gear down the cliffs and fish til I have a good feed worth , or Im too pissed to leave.
Try not to do it too much in a big swell though, as being hurled down the rocks by rogue waves isnt really THAT much fun, as I found out.
But its quiet, no prick annoying me, and when Im after big fish , its quite a rush (Sharks fight like bastards!)
I tell ya Silkthread, it ROCKS.
When I get bored with little fish , I break out the big gear , and settle in for the wait.
Quite often there will be half a dozen sharks , or tuna around., if im out on mates boats.
To feel the sheer brute force of something so big on the end of a puny rod , and to keep your shit together is a great day out. We've had them attack the boat, chew the prop and just generally get pissy .
I dont kill em though, seems pointless and I dont eat them much, only smaller ones.
Its just for the shits and giggles.
Lakes and rivers...trout? ..steelhead?