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Posts: 383

Some unfortunate truths.

Posts: 1953


by Alterego

 There really isn't.

She's worse than Aspie.


And all these messiah references are starting to grate me. Freaking mood killers. :P

 No shit. :P

Posts: 3722

 thanks, i wanted a footstool

Posts: 383

 I have a long shaft of salvation that won't disappoint you. ;)

Posts: 383

 Still not sure if I should be offended by that last part or not....

Posts: 3110

 Ah, I see you have been reading from the book of Jay  ...... again. 

you should stop that.


Youll go blind.

Posts: 2829


Well forgive me Father for I have sinned


The fact that someone liked your post made me laugh so hard. I really want to know who it was.

Posts: 2473

OMG!!!!! Where might I get such an outlandish idea?

"Don't you want me to drool all over your toes Alter? After all, you're the one who broke me..."

"I want to humble you sexually, restrain you, look into your pretty blue eyes, and watch you shudder..."

You embarrass only yourself with the magnitude of your stupidity.



Posts: 504

 Me, too. Four of them.

Posts: 3722

 me. i'd rather make you cum so hard but this is good progress

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