And by what scale do you measure me?
Yeah? What evidence do you have that prooves that what you are saying holds any value?
To live in reality where an individual rarely observes their own emotional state does not make that individual stand out.
We are born into this world with several instincts mostly based around survival and reproduction. In the past, all of our time and energy would be put toward those instincts as was neccesary to stay alive. These days we live in a reality where reality is what we choose it to be based on personal choice and our habbits.
Now, you, being the lower functioning socio that I think you are, would obviously feel as if you don't relate in this community. It seems as you are proud of your condition, and that would imply you feel yourself superior. Feeling this way shows evidence, in my mind, toward the fact that you aren't really aiming for major goals. Had you been aiming for something challenging, I think you would find yourself experiencing similar issues that all the other normal people in the world experience, and as a result of that, you would lose that "I'm superior" feeling.
One day you will learn that success isn't about you. You as an individual can do so little for this world. It requires networking. Social connections. Do you think this naive way of which you look at the world is helping you to network and better prepare yourself for the challenges you will experience professionally in your life?
Do you think that becsaue you are "hardcore" and "cold" and exhibit the personality that ghetto culture considers ideal-- you should somehow be treated differently? That people should fear you?
Let's talk about the torture of small animals. What is it about holding that small animal's life in your hands that exilerates a psycopath? Surely you are gaining no intellectual improvement. It's the emotions. The chemicals that you like. One day you will be smart enough to look at it objectively and you will realize that all the values you hold yourelf to based on your condition-- are basicly worthless.
Sorry about all the generalizations. I know nothing about you other than that post you made at the top of this thread, and your response.
Either way, you need to know this. Consciousness starts out at birth. It is an evolving state. We are always changing. On top of that it isn't just US who is changing. We live in a dynamic society that is evolving with us, and that society plays a major role in how we identify ourselves. you cannot expect to relate with everyone else. You cannot expect respect, and you cannot expect others to share the same values as you-- specially if when we look at it objectively (which is the gift of consciousness), we find that those values are worthless when applied toward success.