Take adderall. It's just like coke, some say it's better, and it lasts a lot longer. That's probably why Lindsay Lohan threw a fit when they took it away from her when she went into rehab.
I had a pretty trippy time on that stuff for about a week.
It made a lot of my problems worse, so I stopped experimenting after a point. Made me too confident, fearless even, did all sorts of mind games without having a reason to, just to fuck with people.
Otherwise it made my insomnia worse, I had too much energy, boredom came even faster than normal, and I grew increasingly delusional from shedding some walls.
It's pretty fun, but I found it a bit haunting when I reflected on it after I stopped.
It lasts longer if you get XR, extended release. The tablets that aren't extended only last a couple of hours at most if you don't eat anything and that drop off is very obvious. I can see why she threw a fit, I was on it for five years and didn't think I'd ever get off of it.
Because in life, our interpersonal relationships have a huge effect on our social success... and that's something I value. For the best outcomes you must sometimes be a better version of you. Manipulation is a staple for highly successfull people. I'm not a nice person. But it is some times in my best interest to pretend to like certain douchebags... it's not a complicated thing to understand...