Just found a single pill amongst all of my pennies whilst I was sorting them.
What would you suggest I do with it?
Lambchop, you nasty little parasite, what have you been up to these days? Still spiking drinks, stalking strangers, and chasing cougar tail?
Lightweight? Uh, yeah. If I want to get high, I'll smoke a joint- not crush up massive doses of OTC meds to snort them, like you might see fit to brag about. :P
I wasn't considering taking Benadryl to get the "floor to melt away", 'tard. I have to get on a boat in a few days, so I was considering using it to knock myself out of my ridiculously noctural schedule. I opted not to take it, so here I am, still awake, bantering with you. Joy!~ :P