No, you very rarely talk about yourself, actually. As in, who you really are. You talk pretend about yourself, mostly.
Spare me. I'm the most exposed and real character on the forum. You know my name, my face, what I do, seen some of my family, know my pain. Now it's suggested I don't give enough detail. Nice one.
I don't see or hear from anyone else. Because I choose to be strong, this is not some kind of God complex. Not everyone will like me, and when I'm in a more chipper mood, it's in my best interest to keep it a secret.
Everything you listed is not you. It's external shit that means very little in terms of who you are as a person. For instance, who cares what you or your family looks like? What are they like? What are you like?
And you are not "choosing" to be strong. I don't even think you know what strength means, only what the people around you and the messages that have been fed to you have told you what it's supposed to mean since the day you were born. You are faking it, acting a pre-written role, written by someone else. You are not making a choice at all.
But fake it till you make it, eh?
We're all playing the role that fate has given us. We are shaped by our envrionment and experiences.
There is no such thing as a "you". Only the state your mind is in at any one point in time. The mind is constantly changing through time, and who you were 1 year ago is not who you are today.
About "choosing" to be strong. I read somewhere today that the beauty of being Human is that we have a choice on the thoughts we have. We choose to be strong and find the silver lineing, or break down and start crying, and give up on life. Being strong is always a choice I think.
Spatial's fan girl!
You also claimed to be "the only one of Alia's targets who didn't ran away." Virus didn't either, but your sickening narcissistic ego just wants to feel special.
"Spare me. I'm the most exposed and real character on the forum. You know my name, my face, what I do, seen some of my family, know my pain. Now it's suggested I don't give enough detail. Nice one"
Also, fucking hell. YOU didn't give those details, they were put up on the forum against your wishes, and you still bitch about it to this day.