A while back, Luna told me to check out threads on some random forum that she had posted in. She even made a few threads there, she said.
So I checked it out. Turns out the forum was named Sociopath World. The forum name wasn't encouraging. Definitely not.
At least she has yet to run into my arms in tears. The harsh treatment she's received on (frequent) occasion in both Sociopath World and this forum doesn't seem to be harming her. I've read most of them.
I'm pretty used to forum trolls. I don't let it get to me, and I've already struggled for a while with keeping Luna on the saner side of life. Luna's already gone through encounters with sexual vulgarities being directed at her. Probably more memorable than anyone's attempts here. Given the nature of the internet (and this forum), she's toughened up. Luna's pragmatic viewpoint might not be a genetically inherited trait from my family, but it's certainly also my philosophy. So far, she's still the best damn sister at 16 years old anywhere on this planet.
The less pragmatic parts of Luna I attribute to being young and dealing with hormones. Let's just say that her puberty years were vicious.
That's why I didn't agree with an easy way for her to ban forum users. You can thank me for saving your ass from Luna, God. Not often I get to say that with a straight face.