thoughts lol? hes going through an existential crisis almost harder than me looks like lool guess i rubbed off on him
its understandable why he's so depressed and lost now these days. Like yay youre a "father figure" for a bunch of losers who prey on trying to emotionally and sometimes physically hurt the normal functional contributing members of society in order to vent out their pent up rage and depression at being losers and no one liking them, good for you
not to mention the misogyny and bigotedess, whether fake or exaggerated or not like come on time to grow up love
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12/22/2019 3:57:02 AM
sucks he couldnt have turned out to be like a successful Lawyer or CEO buisiness man like his parents/family wanted
I cant even imagine how shameful he must feel deep down. all that potential of an intelligent mind that could have gone on to do great things completely wasted
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12/22/2019 4:14:05 AM