Channing tatum and I are going to have very hot astral sex. It's not real but it will be real enough to me that I orgasm lol
I've had amazing orgasms from having sex with celebrities and exes of mine and people I know irl even half lucid dreaming so if that's any indication of how much better it will be astral projecting........ :D
I'm going to get all my sexual and romantic needs met in my dreams now lmao, who cares if its "real" or not
I've had a sex dream about Sam like over a year ago I even made a thread about it, but I would never willingly have lucid dream or astral sex with him and in the dream I made a thread about it was rape. when I have the entire world of living and dead celebs and interesting people to choose from I would never pick him or touch him willingly ever and same goes for irl lol
ANYWAY me and imaginary channing tatum gonna have lots of fun soon;) be jealous losers im gonna orgasm so much better than probably any irl sex ive ever had because the half lucid sex dreams ive had in the past were better than almost all the irl sex ive had lol. and I've had some really really super hot irl sex like mind blowing 1000/1000 so that says a lot