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To TayLoR SwifT (Tay-Tay)

Posts: 749

ThIS is A BlacKmaIL THreAD. I KnOW Ur Gig. I FounD the DeaD BabieS you and WaHOO RapED. I haVE PMs FroM rANDom IntERnet UserS.

U Will MaKE a SINgle abOut ME aND It wiLL SouND AweSOME. I EXpecT You StARt WorkINg on IT sOON.

I HavE ContACTed 4 (FOUR!) LAwyeRS. I aM NOt kiDDinG, I am DANgerOUS.



I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
Posts: 2892
0 votes RE: To TayLoR SwifT (Tay-Tay)

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Cheery bye!
Posts: 141
0 votes RE: To TayLoR SwifT (Tay-Tay)

I won't deny that you're very entertaining, Ed. 

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