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Primal Lawsuit Gems

Posts: 141

We shared these on the old SC, I will share them again here. These are PMs from Primal to PF users, she states she already contacted a lawyer. Edited to add the rest of Reapers/Thrill Kills PMs. 


"Sent: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:24 pm

From: shadowrain

To: Reaper


Hello Reaper,

 Keep this PM quiet or the delete which means, some people are very much aware of what the PF and SC link is.

 Were you to "meet" Sturm aka Tempest aka the real person. You would be signing a massive contract to not reveal her real name. Most likely, you would not meet "her" she would send a stand in. A totally different person to play "Tempest."

 At present , you have tons of information that could sink her. She is worth several hundred millions. The PF and SC "games'" information she does not want ever coming out.

 Criminal vs Social psychopath is her way of stating she owns you. She has nothing on you, without revealing herself.

 However, it is possible for you to have that yacht and 10 million dollar mansion if you play your cards right.


 I gain nothing by lying to you.

 Not interested in the retard double dupe pity ploy and moronic "role play" that the bpd /npd get off on here.

 Contacted a lawyer already, and the rest is getting her to screw herself up on her own. She is doing well already.

 There is no guarantee in my direction from you either. So we are even.

If this works. We can walk away with a very very nice settlement.

 Win/ Win.

More than likely, I will be banned.

Two posts have not cleared moderation and it's been 24 hours.

Nice catch with questioning her on her kids. As Jabber is stating she does not have kids. ( IRL she has no children) That is the 'Tempest' persona. Everything you think you knew about Tempest is false, except some of her sexual preferences. She is blonde and blue eyed.

If you bait Tempest sexually on the forum, it should be interesting her responses. She lost her $#%^ on SC a while back and her 'handler' called her back to PF. Sturm88 was re/born.

Admin is reading the PMs most likely. As I know the coding on these boards grants Admins access to PMs .


She doesn't have kids. She has a bogus FB profiles. She lies out her ass.
Role Play is her thing and she is as EMO as all ###$ when she is triggered.

Esquire did meet her, after the contract was signed. Lolidk, also knows who she is. Also, Lolis friend, and there was another fellow. When he found out who she was, he bailed. Also, Zach knows.

Keep all your old messages from all her previous activities. It may come in very handy. She is right now conducting an ignorant ass smear campaign. Which is par for the course.

She is also, 6 ft tall , which makes her a beast for most men. So, you can imagine, she sticks out like a sore thumb. Her cutesy chit chat on the forum is nauseating along with her PC talk.

Anyway, you know exactly how to bait her.

If you don't mind, have you a throwaway account?
Admin is most likely both Tempest and someone who is a bought and paid for or black mailed "friend"

I don't trust them to not read the PMs.

(she gave me an email address here to message her privately off the forum. I'll keep that private for now)


(A response to Reapers reply)

If you believe that, great. Then I hope she is paying you well to make that statement.

If you are not making bank on that, then you can be very certain she sent you #######4 pics. The same ones she sent me.

She later admitted the entire lie of the Tempest persona. Wahoo is white knighting like the well trained desperate BPD he is. And Esquire is a lawyer, who signed a long ass contract binding him from ever stating that he met her in person. Which he did, as I spoke to him about it.

Regardless whether you believe me or not. She is the one that orchestrated much of the garbage here and on SC. ... y-scandal/

That is the basic game plan of what she has been pulling off for years.


hello Zach,

 It's shadow. rain, aka Pan.durata aka, so many that get banned without reason.

 As you can see, been banned again.

 Seems the 'site admin" is the same site admin as was running MHG which we were both on for a while.

 Later, we both came to know who the site admin is in reality.

And...I bailed after her games with mentally ill people became too stupid and disgusting to be associated with.

 Don't know if you received the last email from me, but Tempest is very very actively making certain that no one is able to contact each other via the forum. She is also very active on SC as well as Discord making certain I get kicked out of servers when she can find me.

 Anyways, she really screwed up massively and her games are ignorant for a little miss rich who knows better but chooses to be a cvnt to people that are hardly able to defend themselves.

 [email protected]

 If we are lucky, this could be a profitable venture for both.

These ones were to Jabberwocky aka wahoo

Sent: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:54 pm
by Ferox

I had and have no problem with you.

 I wanted nothing to do with the chain jerking that was being run on yourself and several of the others.

Eight is a @@@@@@@ in every sense of the word. On that, I agree with you.But very far from an "angel" and has something that she is very desperate to hide.

 T has issues. Psychopathy is not one of them. Being rich as ###$ makes it easy to be a @@@@@@@ without consequences.



Sent: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:54 pm
by Ferox

She has also thrown you under the bus behind your back. Machined against several of the kids. Not amused with that ###$ up #######4.

 You, Zach and some of those that were underage have a solid legal case against her #######4 and she is aware of that.

 She "recently" returned to PF ....because she was called off. She stepped way the hell over the line. She brutally ###$ with kids that were genuine people in need. That is low level scum sucking #######4 and she knows it.

 Eight and that maggot she is "married" to are part and parcel of the problem and dysfunction. JOMP , finally saw what Eight really is. As did Wooster. As ###$ up as Pink is, she was right about Eight.

Posts: 141
0 votes RE: Primal Lawsuit Gems

Here Primal, so you can't say the PMs never happened and are just me lying. They even discuss how many usernames you had while PMing them.

Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Primal Lawsuit Gems

lol wtf 

Posts: 23
0 votes RE: Primal Lawsuit Gems

Why is Taylor Swift 6 feet tall in primal delusional world?

Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Primal Lawsuit Gems

aryan goddess 


Posted Image

Posts: 23
0 votes RE: Primal Lawsuit Gems

Banning Primal is proving hilarious. I wish this was done sooner. Maybe a rule could be made that Primal can post and not be banned, but the caveat being it can only be in chart form.

Posts: 749
0 votes RE: Primal Lawsuit Gems

Sturm: so why can you post these things here, and I can't?

The Primal quotes I made and were deleted, were more or less along the exact same lines.

I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
last edit on 5/26/2019 8:52:11 PM
Posts: 749
0 votes RE: Primal Lawsuit Gems
Sturm88 said: 

Here Primal, so you can't say the PMs never happened and are just me lying. They even discuss how many usernames you had while PMing them.

 Also, addressing Primal but banning her and deleting her any chance of a public reply, is petty as hell.

I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
Posts: 2892
0 votes RE: Primal Lawsuit Gems
Edvard said: 

Sturm: so why can you post these things here, and I can't?

The Primal quotes I made and were deleted, were more or less along the exact lines.

You haven't whined enough

Cheery bye!
Posts: 2892
0 votes RE: Primal Lawsuit Gems
Edvard said: 
Sturm88 said: 

Here Primal, so you can't say the PMs never happened and are just me lying. They even discuss how many usernames you had while PMing them.

 Also, addressing Primal but banning her and deleting her any chance of a public reply, is petty as hell.

She can sue if she wants, oh wait. Suing over internet drama is much less petty. You are on the right side of history.

Cheery bye!
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