I love watching woman in first world countries walk around and complain.
Somewhere there is a land plants in the Chinese province.
The children sew bags and jeans, collect Ipad, iPhones.
There's only one source of light - the photo of Mao Zedong.
Therefore, these oblique lines on the fake tracksuits!
These children have not seen the sun, all the grimy, half-starved.
Their parents gave birth to light.
To you in Voronezh was fashionable!
Chorus: (2 p.)
what the fuck are you whining?
But somewhere, the sun scorching, on plantations in the Dominican Republic.
Cut cane with machetes hard-working juvenile Haitians.
Rod bundles that weigh more than them, grimy, half-starved.
And the salary at them, you do not laugh.
Per ton just three dollars.
These children have not seen the cartoons.
Not insured, the sun * Difficult to us,
Their parents gave birth to light,
So you said, "I coffee without sugar!"
what the fuck are you whining? eh?
Well, somewhere in Afghanistan.
Far from random eyes.
On the secret boundless fields.
To the sun stretches ganzhubas.
And grimy children pass.
Border cherished tropes.
With shook his tape packs.
Tucked away in a skinny priests.
These children are clever and careful.
But they are unhappy everywhere.
Their parents gave birth to light.
To Gough I wrote you a song!
what the fuck are you whining? eh?
Alas, there are places on the most sinful of the planets.
Where do people with the cows drink water from a puddle.
And you say: "Well, where you do not!"
But where you do not, mate - is even worse!