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Evidence that homosexuality benefits the species

Posts: 5

"Heterosexuality is relatively new, 500 million years old at most. Life's about 4 billion years old. Most animals today, have some portion of homosexuality in its population, and there's evidence that it benefits the species."

Please tell me, what are these benefits?

"Most animals today, have some portion of homosexuality"
I've only heard about a few mammals, what are these other animals?

Posts: 33162
0 votes RE: Evidence that homosexua...

The main advantage within homosexuality I've seen is just a greater attention to detail on average (in humans). 

From my own findings at least, a lot of elements of attraction can be denoted to be a matter of scent-processing, and otherwise most of the differences apparent within culture are likely to be a reflection of the culture itself more than the homosexuality. 

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