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The Usual...

Posts: 9

Warning, I'm gonna get emotional here, but I want to post it now before the feeling is gone and I'll be too self-conscious to post it anymore.

This is directed towards anyone who is feeling depressed. Because society doesn't want you. It excludes you. It signals you that you're not worthy of being in their midst. Especially you younger members, who have so much ahead of yourselves. You, who are thinking about ending it, because all this time ahead of you seems to be nothing but pain and despair and loneliness. I know that there are so many of you here in this community. Active, and lurkers. And it can be easy to be depressed. I know it. I've been there. I've done that.

But it's gotten to a point where it's breaking my heart. I could cry over it. And I did.

It's breaking my heart that so many of you are in so much pain.

When thinking about it, I get angry at our society. All the songs that sing "why does no one understand me?", "why is my heart broken?", "why does my heart feel so bad?", "why am I in so much pain, seemingly the worst kind of it?". All the movies of outcasts, heart breaks and all that stuff, that suggest that it gets better later. All the pop culture appealing to young people (like 15-25) and telling them that they're fine the way they are. Teaching tolerance at every turn. Demonstrating for gay and diversity rights. Celebrating the day that homosexuality was officially erased from the list of mental disorders.

(Western) Society is telling every young person that they're right the way they are:

"Love yourself how you want to be loved. Everything is fine, no matter what song you listen to or what movie you watch, and as long as you believe in yourself, all can be overcome – no matter if you're ugly, stupid, gay, poor, in pain, in despair, or lonely. You can grow up to be a very strong and wonderful person.

BUT DON'T YOU DARE FEEL SEXUAL ATTRACTION TOWARDS CHILDREN. We have grown very wise as a society, and we are the most tolerant ever, but don't you DARE look at our children the wrong way. Thinking things. Thinking thoughts. Feeling sexually. Those songs about personal empowerment don't apply to you! Those messages of tolerance exclude you! You better ignore the constant pleas to love yourself! Because you should not, and you know it!"

To all of you, my fellow boylovers, I say FUCK them. FUCK their hypocrisy. They literally have no idea what they're talking about. No matter if it's your peers, or musical idols, young movie stars, older people, influencers of any kind, or even your parents.

Their key motivation is to apply happiness and love to those who deserve it. To create a strong and confident youth. And the only reason they don't want to apply it to you is a prejudice. They don't know what boylove is. They don't know who you are. They don't know what you love.

Let that make you STRONG, not because you are excluded from society, but because they preach tolerance without even knowing that it should also apply to you! Simply own those fucking motivators. Make them yours. They don't even know their message is appealing to you. But it is! It should! You should make it so!

Society owes every young pedophile a great debt. I have no idea whether it will be ever be repaid. But you are the strongest people for having made it this far. You are here now. And you're welcome here.

Cry if you need to. I know it helps. And then go get a long hug from someone who loves you, or someone who appreciates you, or someone who generally felt positively towards you now or in the past. Not because they don't know why they should hate you, but because they know why they love you.


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ty papi

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