Hello All,

So I am going to live with a boy for a while. He likes me very much since the first day. Like he put his feet on my feet under the table when we eat. and he rest his head on my shoulder when we watch TV. He said kisses in a silly way, he said he will lie on my bed and can see that he hopes I can stroke his body.

When we play outside, he always wants me to chase him and then he will fall down and hope I can fool around or stroke him.

He even wants me to stay over night the first day we met.


I tried once to stroke his back. and he's totally into it. and his neck and he said it's so comfortable. and he even hugs me several times which his mum said to me he really loves you; he doesn't hug easily.


I know already I will be with him 2 days alone.
I also know we can go very far.

I had one experience already that goes very far but with another boy not him.


I hope I will know what to do when the moment comes.
Always like a choice whenever those moments come.
Should I go for it. or Should I hold it back.
Always not so easy for me.