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the gold which flowed from neitschzes pen

Posts: 738

A period which suffers from a so-called high
general level of liberal education but which is devoid
of culture in the sense of a unity of style
which characterizes all its life, will not quite
know what to do with philosophy and wouldn't,
if the Genius of Truth himself were to proclaim
it in the streets and the market places. During
such times philosophy remains the learned monologue
of the lonely stroller, the accidental loot
of the individual, the secret skeleton in the
closet, or the harmless chatter between senile
academics and children. No one may venture to
fulfill philosophy's law with his own person, no
one may live philosophically with that simple
loyalty which compelled an ancient, no matter
where he was or what he was doing, to deport
himself as a Stoic if he once had pledged faith to
the Stoa. All modern philosophizing is political,
policed by governments, churches, academies,

custom, fashion, and human cowardice, all of
which limit it to a fake learnedness. Our philoso·
phy stops with the sigh "If only ... " and with
the insight "Once upon a time ..." Philosophy
has no rights, and modern man, if he had any
courage or conscience, should really repudiate it.
He might ban it with words similar to those
which Plato used to ban the tragic poets from
his state, though reply could be made, just as
the tragic poets might have made reply to Plato.
If forced for once to speak out, philosophy might
readily say, "Wretched people! Is it my fault if
I am roaming the country among you like a
cheap fortune-teller? If I must hide and disguise
myself as though I were a fallen woman and you
my judges? Just look at my sister, Art! Like me,
she is in exile among barbarians. We no longer
know what to do to save ourselves. True, here
among you we have lost all our rights, but the
judges who shall restore them to us shall judge
you too. And to you they shall say: Go get yourselves
a culture. Only then you will find out what
philosophy can and will do."

Posts: 738
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Posts: 738
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its also especially true today of the matereliasm of academia, the institution of metaphysics has been corrupted

Posts: 749
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Here's a quote from him:


I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
Posts: 2266
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From The Gay Science Section 76...

The greatest danger - If the majority of men had not always considered the discipline of their minds - their "rationality" - a matter of pride, an obligation, and a virtue, feeling insulted or embarrassed by all fantasies and debaucheries of thought because they saw themselves as friends of "healthy common sense," humanity would have perished long ago. The greatest danger that always hovered over humanity and still hovers over it is the eruption of madness - which means the eruption of arbitrariness in feeling, seeing, and hearing, the enjoyment of minds lack of discipline, the joy in human unreason. Not truth and certainty are the opposite of the world of madman, but the universality and the universal binding force of a faith; in sum, the non-arbitrary character of judgments. And man's greatest labor so far has been to reach agreement about very many things and to submit to a law of agreement - regardless of whether these things are true or false. This is the discipline of the mind that mankind has received; but the contrary impulses are still so powerful that at the bottom we cannot speak of the future of mankind with much confidence. The image of things still shifts and shuffles continually, and perhaps even more so and faster from now on than ever before. Continually, precisely the most select spirits bristle at this universal binding force - the explorers of truth above all. Continually this faith, as everybody's faith, arouses nausea and a new lust in subtler mind; and the slow tempo that is here demanded for all spiritual processes, this imitation of the tortoise, which is here recognized as the norm, would be quite enough to turn artists and thinkers into apostates. it is in these impatient spirits that a veritable delight in madness erupts because madness has such a cheerful tempo. Thus the virtuous intellects are needed - oh, let me use the most unambiguous word - what is needed is virtuous stupidity, stolid metronomes for the slow spirit, to make sure that the faithful of the great shared faith stay together and continue their dance. it is a first-rate need that commands and demands this. We others are the exception and the danger -  and we need eternally to be defended. Well there are things to be said in favor of the exception, provide that it never wants to become the rule

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