Why are you telling these sociopaths where you live?
oh they wont know which one i buy
As long as you're not buying the one you linked.
The place has been for sale for over 7000 days (over 15 years) and has 137 some odd thousand dollars in back taxes owing. Which means that the seller probably has huge amounts of utility bills piling up, as well.
They tried to sell it for $37 000 this past July and failed... when nearby properties are going for 3 and 4 times that much.
And look at the condition of the land... It's prolly full of gators. I srsly had no idea there was a house on it just by looking at the picture. I had to read the description to figure out that much. I thought you were buying fresh uncleared swampland lol the gators probably ate the poor soul who used to own the place. It's a mess.
But in all srsness, Florida has some vicious taxes on their real estate. Do look into it before you buy. I'm not sure if people from out of state have to pay obscene amounts of tax on their Florida properties, or if that only applies to foreigners like muh bad self.