Please get to know me instead of making assumptions is all i can really say... um.
Like this just couldn’t be further from what i believe in and how i am as a person.
I dont think anyone is better than anyone else, but at the same time we are all super special in our own way... and i cherish that in human beings. But it’s all, very equal.
There is nothing about anyone of us that is spectacular or perfect, and if it seems that way then you just haven’t seen the whole story yet. Sort of like an instagram vs. reality, thing you know.
Like, I’m not really focused on finding myself spectacular and counting how many backflips i can do and then going “hey look how many backflips i can do” I’m more into like, introspective backflips and finding intrinsic value and spiritual growth and, beauty in the world and in ourselves like.. I’m a fuckin hippie dude
i don’t know. Lol like, it’s all “equal” to me. You know? And i *love* that about life, i *love* having that perspective. Because it’s so much more enjoyable than trying to be the best or number one all the time. I just don’t value that sort of thing, it’s never been my thing.
I dont have a competitive bone in my body, i don’t care about social norms, and i dont care how you want to judge me because Heyy, we’re all on our own path right.
If thats the perspective you want to hold of me and waste your energy spouting about nonsense thats fine, but I really hope you can find an internal peace from the suffering you must be going through to berate other individuals in the way you do constantly and, to take out all this anguish on others in such a toxic unhealthy way...
i really, hope you find a better path i really do...
I’m just going to copy and paste this little ramble every time you make weird comments at me because I’m tryign to show you my perspective here like...
i couldn’t care less about the shit you care about man.... idk how to put it. Idk how to show it to you but like.
That’s just not where my head is at all you got it all wrong dude... you got me so wrong