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AliceInWonderland and PalePeach Conspiracy Theory

Posts: 6443

Conspiracy Theory: AliceInWonderland was so offended by my rejection of her that she searched for a girl to date who liked some of the same things as me but wouldn't reject her and convinced her to start trying to copy the rest because she was so desperate to have something similar to characteristics of my personality

would explain why it's so freakishly obsessed with me and also tries to do many things similar to me including copying my threads and then trying to project

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last edit on 5/23/2019 4:10:46 PM
Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: AliceInWonderland and P...

Cawk copied my original thread which PalePeach was all up in there responding to so it's not like she didn't know who created the original

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: AliceInWonderland and P...

I'm probably 100% right, you both are super fucked in the head and need therapy 

Posts: 2
1 votes RE: AliceInWonderland and P...

stop being fucking freaks and find happiness instead of being miserable ugly bitter depressed hags!

last edit on 5/23/2019 4:19:35 PM
Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: AliceInWonderland and P...

the more either of them continue to talk to me the more it confirms the theory so I'll just bump the thread instead of responding

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