kekekekekekekekekekekek shhh dont tell:p
of course its hilarious Im a comedian and a troll and I do it for attention
you must be really bored. hey, I get it. it's hard. especially if you're depressed. like, to find things that, entertain you and fill that void of nothingness.
I have to take meds for that.
but yeah I think you can end up dating or drawn into/ sucked in by people who are complete train wrecks for similar reasons in a way. Like, you're just bored, and everything is so meaningless. You don't care the tmuch about yourself so it doesn't bother you when they completely destroy your life, because you didn't care about it anyways, and when they degrade you and treat you like a door Matt, because you had no self respect anyways. And you had nothing to do, and you were bored by everything, so spending all your time with them or *ON* them, getting used by them, is fun. In a very sick way.
It's like, a codependency to parasitic types, narcissists, abusers, etc.
Or you're just completely reckless with yourself and you're like "sure, I'll hop in this car with these people I don't know and go to an unknown location whilst under the influence of drugs and alcohol for no reason. why not?" because you genuinely don't care if you disappear and die. you're not afraid of strangers or risks anymore, and you drive too fast, and rollercoasters don't scare you in the slightest in fact you're bored by theme parks and horror movies don't make you jump. because you're just dead inside.
it's all fun and games until something happens to you like what happened to my cousin. she was talking to some guy online, she wanted to get out of the situation she was in, her family life sucked and she was poor and she just wanted out. young, 18 years old. some Prince Charming came in and offered to scoop her up and take her on a trip. and the found her sliced into pieces in the woods in Ohio, and the DNA associated with who obviously murdered her, was mr. online Prince Charming. the worst part, she was pregnant. he also was involved in drug dealing.
another cousin of mine, also died. she got into drugs and got pimped out (very common in the hood in New Orleans, when you get addicted to a drug these pimps find these vulnerable girls who need drugs and pimp them out aka use them for sex, sell them to guys, for profit, and provide them with what they need.) and her pimp killed her, I guess she did something she shouldn't of like stole some drugs or, I don't know. it's risky business getting involved with gang members who sell drugs, kill people, and arrange prostitution rings and god knows what else. needless to say. she was addicted to crack and heroin. but yeah uh, she was only 18 as well. and, then her father took the pimp to court over the murder, even though he was threatened into not talking. no one came forward except him because he wanted justice for his daughter and he was in mourning. they waited until the morning of the court date, and when he was on his way to the court, he was suspiciously murdered in a car accident... that was no accident. the pimp got away with it and still walks free to this day.
be careful with these unstable men, they may be enticing for all their drama, or perhaps their narcissism draws you in. perhaps it's the sociopathic cycle of abuse and manipulation. or their mental instability in general, is something you like. how their thinking is, "different." and how, they make you feel special when they notice you or give you attention and it's like a high.
but I'm just saying, be careful. there are people out there who look for your type, and sickly get pleasure out of taking advantage of your weakness, and how easy you are to manipulate and be fooled. and use you, as a target,.. for whatever selfish and cruel intentions and desires they have.
some, they do it more benignly even. they didn't have intentions to hurt you but, inevitably do. because they are a train wreck, they ruin your life too. your financial stability, your credit score. they put you debt. and get you into situations you normally wouldn't get yourself into like, buying a house, or a car you can't afford. or paying someone's medical bills. who knows. or they just are mentally unstable and don't even realize what they may be doing to you is emotional abuse, or, even physical abuse. and in their mind, it's justified and, it all happens so slowly, and so, casually- that it almost becomes normal. for the relationship, for these things to be present whilst you still believe he genuinely loves and cares about you.
but just because those words come out of someones mouth doesn't mean that relationship is healthy for you, or safe. so just be careful and try not to make yourself so obviously vulnerable, manipulative people will take advantage of this in a heart beat...