Scarlett is secretly fucking shiftycunt every other week, along with any other males and sometimes females, interested in her (basically slutting around as usual). shiftycunt doesnt exist btw its a character Scarlett made up
Koloss is off being a weird cringey creep somewhere else no one ever mentions him lol
Ed is busy being an MMA fighter of course :p
Inq and Missc idk about, they were getting along last I knew of which was a couple weeks ago
Alice and her pet dog pastypenis have broken up, Alice is embarrassed by her failed attempt at a relationship and especially ashamed at how unloyal she was to Tpg and is hopefully in therapy learning to change her disgusting cheating whore ways and will one day be fully loyal to Tpg
Barrel finally found a gf who can handle his clingyness and is busy enjoying that relationship
BR and delora still use SC, they are currently sharing the plumeria account. BR, under the influence of adderall decided he was going to make huge leaps in transhumanism technology and immortality inventions but never really followed up with that and left us all hanging