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guys is Tryptamine ok?????

Posts: 6443

has anyone heard from him he said he was feeling sick around the last time I remember him being on discord

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: guys is Tryptamine ok?????

please tell me that the mod of our discord didnt have a heart attack and die without any of us being close enough to him to know like i feel like he died alone probably because things with blanc didnt work out and he lost his other best friend and he was lonely and im very sad if he's dead and none of us fucking know and if he comes back from detox being even more of a dick well great but at least dont be dead ok but maybe it was his time to go maybe he just couldn't take the state of the world anymore

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: guys is Tryptamine ok?????

jesus fucking christ i've been sort of a bitch to him leading up to all of this but its only been in response to him being excessively more of an asshole than usual and i did have real feelings for him at one point like a couple years ago

Posts: 749
0 votes RE: guys is Tryptamine ok?????

Liver failure and pancretitis will happen way before heart attack for Trypt XD

I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: guys is Tryptamine ok?????

We'll see. For now it's better to assume he's asleep. 

Posts: 23
0 votes RE: guys is Tryptamine ok?????

I don't know but send him money just in case

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: guys is Tryptamine ok?????
Edvard said: 

Liver failure and pancretitis will happen way before heart attack for Trypt XD

 are you sure? he's told us all that he was on beta blockers for heart problems

he's been gone for 2 days maybe he went to the hospital/detox without telling anyone?

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