The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of psychology most of the jokes will go over a typical user's head.
Like this one?
Well, there's probably some deep psychological reason for that post. But it's like opening a door in a nutjob hospital. In every room, you get one screaming nutwit. None of them really talk to each other or pay attention to anything besides themselves, but there's probably some kind of deep psychological puzzle that you could navigate through to decipher what the fuck they're screaming about. But a nuttie hospital is not conducive to good conversation, is what I'm saying.
And no offense to the OP of that message; said person is very nice and quite intelligent.
There's also SC's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into the forum's characterisation- the personal philosophy draws heavily from DSM themed literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these posts, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike SC truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in SC's existential catchphrase "Gaslighting" which itself is a cryptic reference to an old stage play of the same name that became an unsung classic in the late 40s. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as this forum's collective genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
"I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as this forum's collective genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them."
LMFAO That's not me. Fuck you.
I'd love for it to be that way... For there to be "DSM themed literature".. But it's more about why blueberries taste amazing.
Frankly, I'm tired of you... simpletons. I'm going to go hang out with my aristocrat friends, watch Rambo II and set some forest fires.
Okay, so only the semi-retarded ones then?
You're really trying to turn me into such an ugly person.
You really need to meet more people.
The main differences here sit in counter-cultural sentiments that provoke different patterns of speech than usual, but other than that?
I don't mind people with variable backgrounds. I mind low-effort screaming without purpose or an inkling of effort to communicate. And I don't mean grammar. Because, lets be honest, I'm far from perfect. My English is absolutely fucking horrible and I can't spell for shit.
And don't get me wrong.. I know how we all hate those grammar nazis. Those people who don't have anything of substance to say so all they can do is.... when you make an effort to express yourself.... and take such a long time to learn to communicate better... Just fucking rape your grammar and tell you that you're an idiot and troll you.
But you can still understand... what I'm saying.. right? I mean I'm not doing such an awful job... right? And at least... I'm making an effort, despite being a non-native speaker...
I mean is it any worse than being a coomer?
I advocate for the golden middle path.
Mostly meaning that those who proclaim their own greatness tend to have it backwards.This forum's got it's fair share of examples, but I won't name any since I hate public shaming.
In your view, what do you think I'm complaining about?
Face your fears then! Be the first lemming to take the plunge instead of the 200th.
Let me give you a personal anecdote.
When I was young and childish, I believed everyone was smart, intelligent and beautiful. In their own way. I believed everyone had depth, and that everyone had an unfathomable, invisible, hidden side to themselves. So I pressed on to learn about everyone. As I did, I learned that there were fantastic people with amazing world-views who I had completely discarded before, in my naivete. But then I met Timmy. Timmy was a retard with a 5-second memory, and no depth at all. If you had the world represented as a Gaussian distribution on an IQ scale, Timmy was somewhere at the lowest end of the tail. Now you can always argue that Timmy was a special unique snowflake in his own way. And it was true; I remember watching him stare at a spoon for five minutes.... Thinking if he'd finally shut down.
To top it all, Timmy was malicious and hated everyone. He was the satan's retarded baby who wanted to see the world burn but couldn't quite figure out how to go about achieving that goal... Hence why he was just looking at spoons.
The point of that story is that not everyone has depth. Some people are just as they seem.
And I'm not advocating that their intelligence makes up their whole character. There are plenty of interesting people who aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. I rather like idiots. But I don't like retards who literally don't have anything to say, and who, instead of keeping quiet until they come up with something to say, feel like wiping their ass on this forum.