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1. Christian history.

Does the bad past excuse or give a pass to the bad present? Next time North Korea does something bad I should remind everyone "it's ok because Hitler did bad things too".  

By the way I don't consider Catholics Christians since they don't follow the bible they follow the traditions of men. They attacked protestants who are "protesting them" and all their evils.

One big difference is if there's a Christian terrorist everyone will disown them and say "they're not Christian". When a Muslims commits a terrorist attack most of them are silent because they know it's in line with their book. It's not the people that are bad it's the book. I'm not worried about Muslim people but the writings that influence them.

Maybe it be good if you actually read the Quran to compare the two books. I read the first chapter of the Quran in religion class. Had I thought it was any way comparable or redeemable I would say it.

There's a reason a sociopath on Youtube who is a Christian repented from his murderous ways when he became a Christian. He said if he ever became a Muslims he would be a murderer again because that's what the texts teach. He's not a murderer as a Christian because that's what the texts teach. He doesn't care about empathy since he's a sociopath. He's not just "feeling with his heart" he literally means he stopped murdering for Christianity and if he ever became a Muslim he'd become a murderer again. He even said "lookout if I ever become a muslim I know those texts say to kill and I have no empathy". I would probably be a murderer too if I thought Islam was correct because that's what the text says. I'm not making it up that there's a big difference between Christianity and Islam. 

Maybe it help to hear it from an Ex- Muslim who became Christian.

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2. Christians vs Jewish.

I'm going to explain in my "Cherry picking?" thread over time the difference between the Jewish and Gentile covenant. We are not under any Old Testament laws (unless they were reiterated in the new one). 

I can give a short response right now.

Hebrews 8:7-8 For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion to look for a second. For he finds fault with them when he says: “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will establish a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah...".

Considering the whole Old Testament laws are not applicable in the new covenant with Gentiles none of those laws are for Christians. They are only for Jewish people. I even asked a Jewish person if God intended for all the 613 laws to apply to Christians. They said "No these laws are only for Jewish people". Don't ask me why they don't follow them in Israel. Their response seems to just be "we don't own our own land fully or the temple yet". 

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last edit on 5/23/2019 6:01:58 PM
Posts: 749
0 votes RE: Muslims?
Xadem said: 

contemporary Islam

This is a stupid term. Almost just as stupid as "contemporary Christianity".


simply does not correlate with western values,

Western values were pretty backwards 80 years ago, when the deadliest and most devastating war was going on, started and fueled by "local cultures". Eastern European values 30 years ago were pretty backwards. Most Asian values right now are pretty backwards, but what is not being told to you, you ignore.

People lacking a sense of history, chronology, and the time and conditions needed for a population's beliefs to change, are very limited imo. The development, civilization and growth of a lot of Middle East powers happened at a much faster pace than you give them credit from. Those guys pulled impressive cities out of the desert over the last decades, and you think they are backwards? Think of their starting points, and reconsider.

I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
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0 votes RE: Muslims?


Posts: 738
1 votes RE: Muslims?

halt american invasions of the middle east and the situation is automatically fixed

Posts: 3
0 votes RE: Muslims?
Edvard said: 
wahoo said: 

Where do you stand on the Muslim issue? Should they be allowed to migrate freely? Hold office in their adopted countries? Vote? Receive benefits? Or should they all be put in internment camps? Deported? Killed?

 The only issue I see are the people claiming there's a "Muslim issue."

 There is an Islam issue, it's not quite the same thing. 

Muslims being those that believe in Islam, and the extremists of any religion are not different in their modus operandi. 

Titties are not religious, so that doesn't hinder my attentions. 

Posts: 749
0 votes RE: Muslims?
Muslims being those that believe in Islam, and the extremists of any religion are not different in their modus operandi

Titties are not religious, so that doesn't hinder my attentions. 

 This is not Primal guys, she'd never say smth this wise about this topic, bless her :D

I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
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