TC you have claimed to be an artist before so youre just copping out now
TC you have claimed to be an artist before so youre just copping out now
Archetypes are a collection of traits, but are rendered relative based on where the argument for it's used and how deep into that subject that they are.
Both he and I are (arguably) artists, and my recognition of that is why I see how The Vulcan argument is a bad choice.
Disclaimer: The Following Post Does Not Reflect My Opinion Of You, But Rather My Opinion Of The Discussion:
Get away ugly duckling. You already make a thread and nobody cared there either.
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Fucking stalker
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You seem to think ive only ever done it twice. Ive broken through before; I don't strive to every time. Kinda like how all my lsd trips aren't 10+ hits.
You are too scared to attempt. So I don't understand what your uneducated; out of the loop, ugly, autistic self thinks it is doing spouting some dumb shit.
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Lol whatever you dumb little girl 😂
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My life is trending up and its not looking like it's about to stop anytime soon. I'm doing so well for myself; that I can't help rub it in your autistic little face.
Ad Hom.
I'm a highly functioning stoner , you are a dumb little girl who needs constant help from mommy and daddy while you play on the internet all day.
Ad Hom.
Read the bit about why I dont 10 strip everytime if this concept is so confusing for you. Also consider I'm not gonna fill send nervous newbies and full send myself (make it so I cannot help them)
Ad Hom.
You are so stupid it's annoying. I wouldn't delete it because I don't give a fuck about your autistic interpretation of my personal use that you would never even consider. You cannot even conceptualize a reason why some people who have broken through, don't always try to break through.
Ad Hom.
Idgaf what you wanna say anymore. You are stupid and that's a fact.
From this post onto forever, you are a nobody to me. I'll never acknowledge you again.
Ad Hom.
Om nom nom nom i luv ad homs
aubrieta said:What so you think Cain meant by "button my collar up a bit further", TC?If you're asking me what he means when he pieces phrases or expressions together, the guy's pretty loose with words from figuring that the implications should be apparent if they're smart enough, so I don't really throw Webster at him anymore since that's basically me pulling The Vulcan argument against The Artist.
Buttoning up the collar
Getting a new necklace
Hanging the self for a new persona
Slowly boiling the self alive
Facing deeper cold
Trying on a new coat
Letting the face fall
(All mean about the same thing)
Switching lanes
Dumping the cup
Breaking the neck
Switching persona
Also all linked metaphors (meanings different than those like buttoning collar)
Filling the cup
Cobra rising up
Filling the self with venom
Walking on water
Smelling intention
(Also all linked)
aubrieta said:What so you think Cain meant by "button my collar up a bit further", TC?If you're asking me what he means when he pieces phrases or expressions together, the guy's pretty loose with words from figuring that the implications should be apparent if they're smart enough, so I don't really throw Webster at him anymore since that's basically me pulling The Vulcan argument against The Artist.
I'm artistic also and if you think about buttoning up a shirt collar it makes sense that it implies finishing something up, finishing what you started etc
Buttoning up the collar
Getting a new necklace
Hanging the self for a new persona
Slowly boiling the self alive
Facing deeper cold
Trying on a new coat
Letting the face fall
(All mean about the same thing)
See, it's not what you figured it meant.